What Does Hypnosis Feel Like?
Why using hypnosis makes Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) more effective
What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a state of mind that helps us to surpass our conscious mind and allows us to access the subconscious mind where we store all our memories, beliefs and habits. In Rapid Transformational Therapy this is where we want to get access to work with your past.
How does hypnosis work?
Humans have four basic states of awareness corresponding to four identifiable brain-wave patterns:
• Beta state (alertness, active thinking, and concentration)
• Alpha state (relaxed alertness and light hypnosis)
• Theta state (daydreaming, deep hypnosis, drowsiness, and light sleep)
• Delta state (deep sleep).
We spend most of our waking hours in the beta state of alert awareness. In the beta state the mind analyses, evaluates, judges, and makes decisions. This is the state in which we attempt to overcome problems with “will power,” often unsuccessfully.
In hypnosis, the brain enters the alpha (light hypnosis) and theta (deep hypnosis) states, that makes us highly focused on hypnotic suggestions and imagery while suspending the ordinary thinking processes of the beta state. In the alpha and theta states, hypnotic suggestions are integrated into the mind more easily, and memories become more accessible.
What if I can’t be hypnotized?
Everyone can be hypnotised because it’s a natural, normal state that each of us enters at least twice each day – upon waking and falling asleep. You enter a state similar to hypnosis when daydreaming, meditating, driving on the road and arriving at your destination “automatically,” or being so deeply engrossed in a project or conversation that time seems to fly. Most of my clients go into hypnosis easily once they understand that they remain conscious and do not surrender their will.
How Do My Clients Describe Hypnosis?
There is no such thing as a “hypnotised feeling.” My clients quite often say that they don’t feel any difference when hypnotised, it’s like a guided meditation. Whilst being hypnotised you don’t need to do anything, I will guide you through the process.

What Are Some Popular Hypnosis Misconceptions?
“A person under hypnosis is asleep or unconscious.”
This is probably the most common misconception about hypnosis. You never lose your full sense of awareness or fall asleep in hypnosis. On the contrary, you are more fully awake. All levels of hypnosis are characterised by increased attention, and it’s this heightened concentration that increases your receptivity to suggestions.
“A person doesn’t remember anything that happens while under hypnosis.”
You’ll be aware of everything while hypnotised. Afterwards, you may have a “dreamy” feeling, similar to emerging from a deep daydream or a light nap.
“A person can be hypnotised against their will.”
Most stage hypnotists are skilled at creating the illusion that they possess a magical and mysterious power over other people. There is, in fact, no such “power.” Hypnosis is a state of consent and cooperation. The only control I have over you is the control you allow me to have. Throughout the process, you can end it at any time.
“A person surrenders their will once they go under hypnosis, and can be made to do things he or she does not want to do.”
You are capable of making normal decisions at all times under hypnosis. You can’t be ‘made’ to do anything under hypnosis that you would find objectionable under normal circumstances.
“Not everyone can be hypnotised.”
It’s not a matter of whether you can be hypnotised, but whether you’ll allow yourself to be helped to enter hypnosis. If a person is comfortable with the process and knows what to expect, it’s surprisingly easy.
“A person under hypnosis might reveal his or her deepest secrets.”
You don’t lose control or reveal personal secrets under hypnosis unless you wish to do so.
Would you like to know more?
If you are interested in Rapid Transformational Therapy you can find out more here, or book your FREE discovery call. The discovery call will help us to decide whether RTT is something you would like to proceed with to unlock your past.
Here’s what my clients say
RTT with Tiina has literally changed my life. I have noticed many positive changes in my behaviour, some more obvious than others but all equally important for a happier and more confident me. This positive style of thinking helps to create new neural pathways that lead to a better version of me with internal peace, happiness and a positive outlook on life.
I used to suffer from anxiety and panic attacks, especially when driving and in interviews or meetings. Being anxious would make me feel sick and I’d then panic.
The thought of hypnotherapy made me feel anxious but Tiina was reassuring and patient. During the RTT session, I felt calm, especially knowing that I could stop if I needed to.
Since the session and listening to the recording every day I have been able to drive with no anxiety at all, it’s like I’ve just forgotten about it or my body can’t be bothered with it any more. I’m very grateful for what Tiina has done for me, she really helped me overcome restricting and crippling feelings, I feel so free. RTT, helped me to be a confident and happy person.